Thursday, April 18, 2013

TriMet proposes $2.1 million for bus 'service improvements' |

What you are witnessing in reality is Trimet's highly paid very expert public relations department trying to rehabilitate the shattered Trimet  executive image.

An image that was already dimly perceived by the public before the 'secret' executive raises.

The secret raises sunk the executive class in the eyes of the public.

What they are attempting to do now is rehabilitate that image, with Mcfarlane making various appearances at Transit centers, 'conference calls' 'finding money' to add services, declaring no fare increases next year, blah blah blah.

It's all a very carefully instrumented propaganda campaign.

These executives are the owners of Trimet, they do what they want. There is absolutely no accountability to the public there. When they want to raise fares and cut services they do it, when they don't want to do it they don't.

Anybody who has ever kept books and records know how easy it is to make things look the way you want them to, especially with a budget as huge and complicated at Trimet's.

And remember, the 'improvements' are all listed as 'potential' with very little meat.

Look at these proposals:

Slight increases in frequency to relieve passenger crowding on the No. 4 on weekends, the No. 12 on weekend evenings and the No. 33 on weekday evenings.
~~~>"slight' increases? Like one bus on a tripper?

Better connections and increased weekday frequency on the No. 47, with buses running to Portland Community College Rock Creek via Northwest 174th Avenue and Laidlaw Road, instead of running to Sunset Transit Center. Frequency would also improve between the Orenco/Northwest 231st Avenue MAX station and PCC Rock Creek.  
~~~>What the heck is that supposed to mean? English please.

More frequent rush-hour buses between the Sunset Transit Center and Northwest Stucki Avenue for the No. 48-Cornell.
~~~>Again, why nothing specific?

Midday express buses added and rush hour local buses added to the No. 94-Pacific Highway/Sherwood between the Tigard Transit Center and Sherwood to improve transfer connections.
`~~> Again, how many buses are we talking about? One extra bus, two, three. They are being dishonest by leaving out specifics

Time added to present trips to better match schedules with traffic conditions on weekdays and weekends on the No. 6-Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
~~~>Huh? Adding how many minutes on the schedule? One minute? 2? 3?

Service starting a half an hour earlier on weekday mornings on the No. 9-Powell and No. 21-Sandy/223rd Avenue.
~~~~>That's actually something specific, first one!

Minor weekday schedule adjustments to better match schedules with traffic conditions on the 10-Harold Street, 14-Hawthorne, 62-Murray Boulevard, 36-South Shore and 37-Lake Grove
~~~>Whatever that means

And the band played on  

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