Monday, September 16, 2013

TriMet smartphone fares app getting not-so-rave reviews from frustrated riders |

TriMet smartphone fares app getting not-so-rave reviews from frustrated riders |

I'm beginning to think that this is more a scam in which TriMet can claim infallibility if something doesn't work - because it will distance itself and say "Call GlobeSherpa...and, by the way, here's your citation. See you in court."
~~~>WOW, no wonder its 'privatized'. I was really curious why Trimet is allowing a for profit company to make money on this rather than having this app created directly by Trimet, and ERIK just hit the nail on the head. This is indeed the beauty of PRIVATIZATION, government can pass the buck while filling cronies pockets.

I knew this latest propaganda bonanza was just the usual Trimet nonsense. And as they always do, TRIMET points the finger at everything else but themselves for the blame.

"""The most common rider mistake, Altstadt said, is entering a credit or debit card without checking the box that says “store card for future purchases.” “If they do not do this, the app will not remember the info,” she said.

Meanwhile, app crashes, Altstadt said, are likely related to older phones running older operating system versions. She suggested riders with Android phones go into their settings and make sure “developer options” is turned off."""

Always somebody else to blame, A-L-W-A-Y-S!

And I know your poll is unscientific but it does denote a 30% failure rate with is HIGHER than the TVM's. Don't expect Trimet to ever mention anything that even hints of failure when it comes to their operation.

None of this is surprising to me, not at all, saw it coming from a mile away.

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