Friday, December 13, 2013

Beaten TriMet bus driver in frantic North Portland emergency call: 'He hit me in the head 15 times ... I can't see myself' |

Beaten TriMet bus driver in frantic North Portland emergency call: 'He hit me in the head 15 times ... I can't see myself' |

Instead of using words like 'Cadillac' and 'generous'  how bout phrasing things a little more like the real world.

ATU757 is trying to preserve health benefits that most citizens of the Western developed world have now. Countries like CANANDA, BRITIAN, FRANCE, etc. provide their citizens with the type of coverage that assures small co-pays and prevents medical bankruptcies.

American's have bought into this 'race to the bottom' idea that means American citizens lose more while the executive class gains more. There is a reason why the richest 1% is richer now than ever in history.

While Joe talks about our 'Cadillac' benefits I have to get some of my prescriptions from Canada completely out of pocket. The word 'Cadillac' is very misleading and appeals to the emotions.

As far as: """transit worker is not defined as a high-risk profession qualifying for savings""" that once again shows how little respect the profession has now. Best advice for people looking for work nowadays, leave the job of transit operator behind. It's definitely the wrong time to be involved in that endeavor

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