Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Portland transportation predictions 2014: Bike share, TriMet taxes, distracted driving, electric highway speed signs |

Portland transportation predictions 2014: Bike share, TriMet taxes, distracted driving, electric highway speed signs |

"""After all, those budget-crippling health-care, retirement benefit and pension costs didn't go anywhere in 2013."""
~~~>Is there some particular reason you're using this language? As usual its the same tiresome propaganda which leads me to wonder about you Joe. Our 'budget crippling health care' is less generous than the BART workers just got, the pension is useless now because its the ridiculous 401k instead of defined benefit, and Trimet is hiring and promoting like a drunken sailor. Funny how that works, hire so many people, lots of them standing around of course, then create the appearance they cost too much. Wonderful Joe that you are so helpful to the Trimet management in demonizing the union workforce

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