Thursday, January 2, 2014

HAPPY OLD YEAR, AND THE ONE TO COME! | From the Driver's Side

HAPPY OLD YEAR, AND THE ONE TO COME! | From the Driver's Side

. Only one has fallen while boarding, and she bounced right up being the young filly she was, and thank God she wasn't injured. 
~~~~~~>I had the happen once in the middle of the night on springville road, this idiot is driving his back on the wrong side of the road without a light and I can see him coming towards me in the distance so I stopped. What did he do? He tried to maneuver in between my bus and a ditch. Well guess what? He went down the ditch and the bicycle fell forward and he went flying over it. I just left, he is the one that did it let him figure out what to do next.

"""Only two people have called me "asshole" or worse""
~~>And once you learn to ignore that stuff you can call yourself a 'professional'

""This isn't an easy job, but it's a good one.""
~~~>Depends on what you are used to doing for work. I found Trimet the worst of the 3 transit districts I worked for granted they were the only 'big city' transit I ever worked for. And if you have not had a serous incident yet then you don't really know what you are up against. After you have your first serious incident you will have a better understanding of what you are up against there.

Good luck and happy new year keep on writing!

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