Saturday, January 11, 2014

Portland-Milwaukie MAX line: TriMet starts looking for 'duplicative' bus service |

Portland-Milwaukie MAX line: TriMet starts looking for 'duplicative' bus service |

People seem to miss the point, which is TRIMET IS NOT INTERESTED IN TRANSIT in reality , they are interested in TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT and transit oriented development needs rail so developers can be assured that they will always have government subsidized transportation to their businesses.

The less bus service the more people are forced to live on light rail lines.
Every time they cut a bus line it forces transit dependent people to move. I saw this for myself when I used to drive the 67 bus and it was  cut  on Sundays. I knew at least a dozen people that moved to developments on the light rail line.
This is the real agenda, how to get people to move along the rail lines. The best way to do that is too limit existing bus service around the lines.

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